Monday 21 June 2010

Eastern Wall

Mike's advice about bending down as if to pick up a stone worked a treat when I came across the dogs again. I tried to go up the Dome of the Rock but they found a bible in my bag - No Ritual Objects - I was going to protest and say Its not a Ritual Object to me but the living word of the living God but if I had I might have missed the wonderful noise and dancing of a jewish boy on his way to his bar mitzvah. (its only a 7sec clip)

Round the corner to the Eastern Wall of the temple where at some point in history they concreted up the gate that Jesus rode in on a donkey and they've added a Muslim cemetery as well to make it really difficult (I think they think) for him to do it again. Bit confusing. So I sat and read my bible and from across the valley came the joyful sound of "Every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" (not sure what language they were singing but the tune was good).

1 comment:

  1. pleased to see the stone came in handy,what a shame that the gate was concreted up thats very sad,tryed to play your 7sec clip but not able to play it for some reason,take care with love xx
