A spanish woman asks me "Is that the Golden Gate, that Jesus will come through when He comes again?" Her english and my theology aren't really up for a discussion on Millenialism of any kind. I say "Yes".
Its really wide up here (and free) and the Dome, whatever your faith, is fabulous to behold.
Whilst down below by the Western Wall, Jewish men and women earnestly read the Psalms, heads bowed in prayer. Up here, prayers will be held later and now is the time to just lean back and chat. Its pleasantly calm.
The Rockefeller Museum is free but dull. Unless you're slightly nerdy and up for appreciating Natufian skeletons (pre-canaanite residents) or enjoy looking at Canaanite fertility goddess models.
Here's a worship leader from 1600bc or as we say out here BCE.
I hate haggling so I found the only shop in the Souk that has price stickers and then into Christ Church bookshop where a wholesaler came in to haggle and haggle her enormous bag of crosses with the shop owner. He didn't like it either.
4 pints of milk costs 16.66nis, so I offered a 20note and she said Any smaller change? So I held out my hand with all my change on it, she took 15nis (£3) and said Thanks. In the supermarket! Try that in Tescos!
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